Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen | DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen Blog
Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

Well, it’s January and we are all decluttering our homes from the holiday décor, thinking to ourselves, “How did we accumulate this much stuff?” After you’ve created your donate, keep, and throw away piles, we have some very handy ways to keep your kitchen organized and efficient to keep your day-to-day running smoothly.

Hands down, the best kitchen essential that any of us at DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen will tell you, is that you must have a pull-out wastebasket cabinet integrated into your kitchen design! 

Having a waste bin sitting on the floor of your kitchen or in your pantry not only stinks up the entire area, but it also has a tendency to scratch your beautiful floors. Space permitting, in our new kitchen
designs, we include a double pull out wastebasket so that you can have one dedicated to waste and another for either recycle or here in Michigan – bottle returns. In smaller spaces, we typically include a single pullout wastebasket unit so that you can at least have the function of keeping your waste concealed, floors from getting scratched, and your pantry from becoming stinky!

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

The second-best kitchen essential to keep you organized with your day-to-day is a cutlery divider.  A built-in cutlery divider adds value to your kitchen design, keeps your forks, knives, and spoons organized, and looks so sleek in your cabinetry compared to one of those plastic units that you can purchase aftermarket.

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

A great way to keep your dishes and bowls organized in a drawer, is to include our Drawer Plate Organizer.  This handy system will keep your dinner dishes from sliding around in the drawer AND help your little ones set the table when you need some helping hands. This insert is especially useful in smaller spaces when you may not have a lot of wall cabinets in your kitchen.

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

Next up, is the cutlery drawer insert. These handy inserts add so much efficiency to your kitchen when it’s 5 o’clock and everyone is asking, “What’s for dinner?”. These inserts come in standard sizes that our designers can pre-order with your new kitchen, they slide right into your new drawers, you add your ladles, cooking spoons, or spatulas, and voila – value added in your dinnertime routine!

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

Lastly, we think that organizing your pots, pans, and lids also adds to an organized and efficient kitchen. We have several options for you to consider including our pull-out pan organizer from Glideware. This unit has heavy duty hooks to hold all your frying pans.  

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

Another traditional option to consider are roll out trays. Roll out trays are not new, but they offer a lot of function when organizing your pots, pans, and lids. For instance, you can keep all of your lids organized on the top roll out and place your pots and pans on the bottom roll out. Gone are the days of getting on your hands and knees trying to find the pan in the bottom back corner of that darn cabinet!

Top 5 Ingredients for an Organized & Efficient Kitchen

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